Preposition MCQs Test 1

1. Books are great source..... Happiness
2. I am used..... Speaking English
3. Usman was broken....... From his old friends
4. My book is different....... Yours
5. I'm famous........ Honesty where javed is notorious for dishonesty
6. I don't want to argue....... You
7. I am sick....... Job
8. He got....... His illness in two weeks
9. I was astonished...... His future
10. Please do not get angery..... Me
11. I saw you dancing....... Party
12. She suffers....... a Heart disease
13. I'm........ Sure of it as you are
14. Nafeesa is afraid........ Spiders
15. I'm envious....... Them
16. The book is....... The pen and mug
17. She cares......... The environment
18. Ali is traveling...... The school
19. Sara was starring....... Me
20. He confided...... Me


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