Current Affairs MCQs Who is who?

1. Dina Wadia the only child of Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in-------?

2. When was Indian spy and RAW’s serving officer Kulboshan Yadav was caught by ISI in Balochistan?

3. National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) has set up Pakistan’s First------------?

4. The murder of a infant girl named Zainab from district?

5. When was the Famous children’s television show “Ainak Wala Jinn” broadcasted by PTV?

6. As per report of establishment division, how many government officers hold dual nationality?

7. When FATF will meet to discuss and decide whether or not to keep Pakistan in the gray list?

8. Name the First Muslim mayor of Landon?

9. The Name of Pakistan University has been ranked among the 100 varieties of Asia 2018?

10. On 29th Feb 2016 Mumtaz Qadri executed at Central Jail of------------?

11. Who has become the youngest mountaineer?

12. Who is the Current Chairman of NADRA ?

13. Current President of Pakistan

14. How many judges are there in Supreme Court of Pakistan?

15. On 25 December 2020 the---------------anniversary of Quaid e Azam wad celebrated?

16. Who has been declared Sadiq and Ameen by Supreme Court of Pakistan?

17. 91 per cent of the revenues to be generated from the Gwadar port as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would go to----------?

18. The highest Building of Pakistan is----------?

19. The recent PSL Started on

20. Which player is Ranked first in the ICC Player Rankings For T20 Batsmen Jan 2018?