Circulatory System Mcqs Test

1. Movement of substances from higher concentration to lower is called
2. Circulatory system transports through which thing
3. How respiratory system takes place in fish
4. The largest artery which supplies blood towards the body is called
5. Circulation of blood takes place in unicellular organisms through the
6. Which one is example of open circulatory system
7. Which type of circulation in vertebrates
8. in close circulatory system blood is enclosed with in
9. How many types of circulatory system
10. Blood enters into right atrium through
11. Oxygenated blood is present in
12. Pulmonary means circulations in
13. The heart consists of
14. Circulatory system transports through which thing
15. Fish is an example of
16. Types of closes circulatory system
17. In animals transport of gases nutrients is called
18. Close circulatory system is More efficient and complicated as compare of
19. In Fishes' heart ventricle pumps blood into
20. systemic means circulation in