Online Concise English Language Course

Concise English Language Course

(A Course that will enable to Read Write and     Speak English Just with in 3 Months )

Possible Out comes of this course

InshAllah with in 3 months you will be able to

Take Exam of IELTS and other test

Communicate in English

Read any book written in English

Write on any topic in English Editorials , Articles , Content writing Etc

Appear in any competitive Test without any hesitation

                     English being an international language has been a compulsory language for almost every students. As a student One must at least know the basic skills of English Reading and Writing in order to pass any entry , Job or scholarship test as well as necessary for students to understand any subject in well manner. Failing to which a person might not get good marks in exam or he may not be able to get a good job.

                    Thus, Youth leaders Balochistan Educational Forum has started an online English language project to teach Online standard English to the students and professionals of all levels just with in a three weeks. As this course is designed for whatsapp users so a student of this course can learn English only using whatsapp where there affordable packages of whatsapp are available. So one can learn it easily at his door step getting rid of academies and coaching center fees and outback expenditures also he can save his much time by watching the lectures at home and completing and submitting his daily assignment via whatsapp.

The further  Detail of Concise English Language Course and its setup is as under

Aims and Objectives

  • Preparation for the competitive Exams , Tests ETC.
  • Enable every Student to reflect one’s own thoughts in English.
  • Introducing the Direct learning Methods Instead of GTM.
  • Article and Content writing skills development
  • Essay and precise Writing.
  • Helping Students in solving of technical papers

Pre Requisites

  • Laptop Desktop computer or Smart Phone and Internet Access
  • Internet Access
  • Operating  WhatSapp, Youtube, Came scanner & PDF reader. 
  • A Pen and Two Registers

Concise English Course Outline


  • 1:Parts of Speech in detail exercises
  • 2:Tenses usages and exercises
  • 3:Active voice & Passive voice  and aim of its use
  • 4:Narrations Direct & Indirect Speech
  • 5:Some more Important parts of Grammar

2:Daily Assignments for Speaking, Writing & Watching  

1:Daily different assignments and Practices for improving speaking, writing, listening & Watching power

3:Vocabulary Building

1:Discovering Vocabularies    Daily basis

4:Latest & renown Article

Reading and Writing


5:Essay & Precise Writing

  • Essay writing, Guideline  and Practical assignments
  • Precise Writing and Practices

Class Setup

Duration of Lecture 15 mins

  • 1: Introduction of Topic And Brief Explanation
  • 2: Class Activity Regarding the Topic
  • 3: Answer Keys and Explanation of Activity
  • 4: Assignment for next 6 hours
  • 5:Weekly Test & Motivation

Daily  Procedure

 Receiving of Lecture about 10 am

  •  Watching the lecture Till 6pm any time when got free
  • Asking of questions from 06 to 09 pm
  • Submitting Assignment Before 10 pm

Instructions while Concise Course

Write English                              Speak English                                                                    Read English                                Think & Watch English


Registration Process

If you want to get your self registered Contact


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