1st Biology lectures test Intro, Cell , Tissue, Malaria and Cell cycle

1. Basic unit of life is
2. Logos Means
3. Out of 10 millions How many have been discovered
4. Flora is the Diversity of
5. The power house of cell is called
6. The center of cell is called
7. The formation of another cell from a cell is called
8. Maleria means
9. Tissue is a group of cells that are
10. The division of biology deals with the study of plants is called
11. How many types of tissues are in our body
12. Diversity of animals is called
13. Smallest functional units of body are called
14. Meaning of Biodiversity is
15. what are gathered to form the tissue
16. Morphology is the study of
17. Ribosomoes are called
18. according to research the orgnisms on earth are
19. Outer layer is cell is called
20. The study of insects is called