Pedagogy MCQ 2

1. To make classroom teaching more effective every teacher should discuss with coleagues
2. which of the following is related with teaching skill
3. Black board in which group category of teaching aids
4. in 1854 which philosopher set up laboratory to measure human characteristics?
5. A teacher is effective if he
6. cherecter is developed by
7. Generalizability of a new teaching method can be tested through research across
8. The aim of a teacher is
9. Which test represents the tests fo abstract intelligence
10. the schol headmaster are expected to
11. the basic purpose of supervision is help
12. the obtaining of thuoght from the written material can be possible through silent
13. the first binet simon test appeared with rivisions in 1908 and
14. To make classroom teaching more effective every teacher should discuss with coleagues
15. To read the lesson before Classroom is called
16. Books can be pwerful source of communication provided content is abstract
17. one of the important theory of moral envelopment has been proposed by
18. The school policy should be determined by
19. Meaningful learning takes place wen
20. Learning to read is a complex


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