9th Chemistry Important Points MCQs Test

1. The Atom is a Greek word
2. The Atoms can exist freely in nature
3. The matter exists in
4. When a covalent bound is formed  by a single electron pair termed as a
5. The different forms of element are called
6. In a group the elements have almost same
7. ..............is homogenous mixture of two or more substances
8. The most electronegative element in periodic table is
9. Steel is the alloy of
10. The electro planting prevents
11. The KCI has the type of bonding
12. Manometer is used for the determination of
13. Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with
14. Chemical reactions involve migration of
15. Neil Bhor mainly concentrated upon
16. Corrosion of metals is a .................reaction
17. Oxidation is the process of adding oxygen and removing
18. The sum of masses of all atoms in a molecule is called
19. The air is  a
20. When a covalent bound is formed  by two electron pair termed as a