Concise English Language Course by Youth Leaders Balochistan, Feedback by Hamna Amjad

Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum Outline: 


1: Introduction of Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum.

2: Youth leaders Balochistan Educational and Concise English Language Course; as a knowledge building course. 

3: Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum Helps in career counselling. 

4: Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum provides Useful tools for Education.

 5: Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum the Best opportunity to gain knowledge 

6: Highly appreciate to all members of Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum. 

7: Concise English language Course Improve English language.

8: Conclusion.                                  


                 Youth leaders Balochistan Educational Forum is a educational and beneficial forum for students. There is many kind of useful tools for education. So everyone can learn everything regarding their field of interest. It also offers career counselling and jobs test preparatory classes. Where one could watch and listen lecture videos whenever you get free. This forum helpful to improve English. It also helps in career building and motivating them in achieving their goals in life. Career counselling is almost rare in Pakistan due to which students are facing various issue. Recently, fifty eight thousand students contact with this forum and about seventeen thousand students are included in ordinance.                  Approximately thirty thousand students get benefit from this forum. Introduction: Concise English language Course is a best opportunity to gain the knowledge about grammar. Daily the instructor are sending material like Dawn news article, current affair videos and communication skill videos to all registered students which helps to built learning power as well. They also give assignment to students and they've to submit it on 10pm. On the weekend, the instructor takes test at 6pm and result is announced next day via WhatsApp and also uploaded on Facebook page with appreciating words. Conclusion: Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum and Concise English Language Course is a beneficial step initiated for the students. I highly appreciate all members of this forum. Moreover, I have also gain benefit from pursuing this course. Now, I am much better at grammar. INA the end, my best wishes for all members. Regards from Hamna Amjad


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