Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Naima Ashraf Quetta, Pakistan

Introduction of content marketing: The era of technology is considerable day by day so digital marketing increases, many different types of digital marketing are present nowadays the easiest and most powerful type is content marketing.

The role of content marketing:

Content Marketing plays an important role in digital marketing because it helps to make a costumer by building customer trust and due to this we persuade people towards our products and services.

Required skills for content marketing :

  1. Anyone who wants to become a content writer has to able to write an eye catchy
  2. Have the skill to persuade people through their
  3. SEO
  4. Also, know about all the social media
  5. Abel to understand the target
  6. Have an ability to
  7. Stay active and knowledgeable about the changes in the world and also able to change the personality according to
  8. Know about grammar

A career in content writing:

Usage of the internet directly affects the career of content writer Increasing the need to increase the demand for a content writer. So the career of a content writer will be bright in future.

Need to a specific degree for content writing :

Content writing is a skill and skill that does not need to have a specific degree you just want to learn the specific language and this particular skill from different courses. Types content marketing : Content writing also contains many types it includes.
  1. Blog content
  2. Infographic content
  3. Video content
  4. Social media content
  5. Podcast content Blogging:
Blogging is writing anything interested for you as well as your audience. It's just like you to write a diary for yourself and share it. In blogs images and other things also included. Many people are hiring writers to create content for their blogs. And it increases day by day. Online Platforms: There are many different platforms for blogging some are as follows.
  1. Jekyll
  2. Number
  3. Ghost
  4. Wix
  5. io
  6. Square


It is a graphic visual representation of anything for enhancing the human visual system. It is very pop nowadays days.

9 types of Infographics:

  1. Statistical
  2. Informational
  3. Timeline
  4. Process
  5. Geographic
  6. Comparison
  7. Hierarchy
  8. List

Benefits of Infographics:

  1. Human brain process visual things better than
  2. This one is the best way to explain the
  3. It is
  4. It can help to increase

Video Content:

Any content includes videos. It also has many different forms. Types:
  1. some form of ap video content is as
  2. The most popular is the
  3. The Animated GIFs slowly replace the
  4. Live videos also the most valuable
  5. Customer testimonials also included in the video
  6. A Recorded
  7. Also, Webinar is a popular type of video

Online platforms for content marketing:

  1. YouTube every one uses
  2. The photo also the
  3. Bright
  4. Vimeo
  5. IBM Watson Media
  6. Kaltura
  7. JW Player
  8. Qumu
  9. Media Platform
  10. Microsoft

Social media content marketing:

Any type of content marketing for social media platforms like any kind of posts for entertainment, giving knowledge of something, to promote the business etc.

Platforms of Social media content marketing:

  1. Social networking contains Facebook, Linked In, Google+.
  2. Microblogging includes Twitter and
  3. Photo Sharing includes Instagram, Snapchat and
  4. Video-Sharing includes YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope and

Podcast Content:

The podcast is an audio file and it also helps to increase the benefits of a business. Benefits of Podcast:
  1. The podcast contains low
  2. It is very engaging and Convenient for
  3. Also the mobile-friendly content
  4. It is growing in
  5. The podcast Audiences are Extremely
  6. Interactive option for the Audience as
  7. It's a scalable cost for the
  8. It Establishing thought
  9. It is Disposable Income
  10. Content publishing

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