The Stages of life an Inspirational Short Biography of (Hafiz Shoaib Ahmed)

A Short Story written by A student of Online Concise English Language (Essay Writing) Course for New Registrations Contact 03108690787

  • • Introduction
  • • Early life
  • o School
  • o Madrassa
  • o Back to school
  • • College Life
  • • University Days
  • • The years of struggle
  • • Career high 2018
  • • Let’s see what the future has in story

“It is not the number of days in your life that count. It is the life in your days”
Mark Twin
Life is a great blessing of Allah. We should live it to fullest without losing sight
of our ultimate goal at the same time i.e., to be the best version of ourselves as
Muslims. Apart from that, we may want to set goals on how we see ourselves in
future. The goals can both be short as well as long term. Although it must be
said that, setting goals is a good thing, but we should also be ready to see them
shattered into pieces. as life may not seem fair at times. We may control our
lives to some extent but we do not control the circumstances and situations that
arise in our lives. Therefore, when something bad happens, it should not mean
the end of the world. “One door swings open when one door closes,”, as the saying

From a very early age, I was a ‘willing-to-go-to-school’ kind a kid. My parents
and elder brothers would not have to carry me all the way to school, as is the
case with some kids. It was primarily a girl’s school where boys could study
only till 5th grade. At school, I was a not was not the brightest kid around but I
took first position in in mid-term exams when I was in class three and stood
second in the annual exam of the same class. This is an achievement that I still
cherish to this day. I do not think a boy has or previously had ever taken
position in that school.
When I was in class 4, I had to put a stop to my schooling as my mother
wanted me to be a Hafiz e Quran. To which I happily obliged. I was enrolled in
a Madrassa. It took me around 3 years to successfully memorize the Holy
Quran. It was a milestone that I will never be able to top for the rest of my
days. I cannot thank Allah enough for bestowing me this precious gift.
ِ ایں سعادت بزور بازو نیست
تا نہ بخشد خدائے بخشنده

Because I had already made up my mind to continue my schooling, I then left
the Madrassa and got admission in a private school, namely Hira High School
Mastung. My memorizing power after coming form madrassa had increased
many folds. I do not remember putting up much of an effort in order to secure
position in class. I was a position holder from 6th grade to 10th in my school.

My mother, though herself not a highly educated lady, would not compromise
at all when it came to my education. After matriculation, she urged my
brothers to find a good college for me in Quetta. I was enrolled in one of the
most renowned and prestigious college of the city, Tameer-i-nau Public college
Quetta. It is a great college. The teachers were highly qualified and the
laboratories, well equipped. Although I must admit, I regret not making the
best use of my time. After intermediate, I returned back to Mastung and did my
bachelor’s from Government Degree college Mastung.

Choosing the subject for higher studies was a great dilemma for me. But seeing
some of my friends opting for chemistry made me go for it as well. At first, I
found it very difficult to cope with the concepts and formulas but gradually
everything starting to make sense. The university years went by as the
university years were supposed to went by i.e. in a flesh. After two years, I had
a Chemistry degree which I had not the slightest clue what to do with.

You know as a kid, we always fascinated about how we would enjoy our
freedom after we are done with studies? I was no different. But the reality hits
you on the face like a brick and the practical life starts before you even realize
it. I started teaching in the same school where I studied, and at the same time
kept looking for a government job. For a while, I was totally dependent upon
my degree on physical chemistry. And belonging from Balochistan only meant
that I could wait for lecturer posts which were announced for colleges since
there are not many industries of the sort where chemists would be needed. It
took me a while to understand the importance of having additional degrees.
Teaching for 4 years in private school made me fall in love with this profession.
So, I did Bachelors in Education.

Fortunately, the last degree that I obtained, helped me land my first
government job in 2018. Although after a year or so I was selected to serve as
Assistant Director in Mines and Production department, in Karachi but I
preferred working as SST Science. A lot of people raised eye brows when they
heard about the choice I made. But I have no regrets. I have a passion for
teaching. It gives me joy and happiness to prepare my personnel for future. I
find my job very refreshing. It does not tire me one bit. As the famous saying
goes “Find a job that you love and you will never have to work again in your

Because I love this job so much, I have already made my mind up to remain in
this department for the rest of my life. Last year, I completed my Master’s
degree in Education as well. I will try to work as subject specialist in provincial
curriculum department to devise and develop textbooks that are rich in
information, interesting and meet the new challenges of the modern world.

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