2nd Biology Lectures Test of Evoltion, Genes, Reproduction, Coordination and support and movement

1. change in sequence of a gene/ DNA is called
2. there are types of growth
3. movement of muscules is activity
4. receptor is
5. brain and spinal cord are parts of
6. philoshophic zoologic was the book of
7. any change in environment that provokes a response in a living orginisms is called
8. in 1870 Lamarks theory was exprimently rejected by
9. transmission of characters from parent to offsiprings is called
10. study about genes gentics variation and heridity in living orginisms is called
11. the way cheractors are transmitated from parents to offsprings is called
12. there are types of coordination
13. movement of orginsms from one to place to another place is called
14. organs that perform respons action is called
15. is the unit of inheritance
16. genes are located in
17. the shape of hear is due to
18. when a plant grows vertically it is called
19. diffrence shown by the individual of one kind of orginism is called
20. The amount of DNA depends upon the number of