Biology MCQs Who is who Quiz

1. Which is an organic compound found in most cells ?

2. Most cell membranes are composed principally of ?

3. About ---------- of the body weight of a mammal is water ?

4. Human blood is an example of----------?

5. Number of chromosomes in E.coli ?

6. The molecules of living matter that provide building blocks are mostly based on:

7. The scientific study of livings is called?

8. The average internal temperature of human body is ----------?

9. Smallest disease causing agents in plants are ?

10. Which one of them is a micro-molecule?

11. Vaccine was first developed by---------------?

12. About ---------- of the body weight of a mammal is water ?

13. Hydra has-----------?

14. Immunization by vaccination was first introduced by?

15. Functional unit of DNA Is------------?

16. Co-enzyme is often formed from ?

17. Which is the largest gland in the human body?

18. Robert Hooke discovered-------------?

19. The first antibiotic to be discovered was-------------?

20. Fungi resemble plants because they lack-----------?


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