Online English Language Course Review By Hifsha Kiran

Youth Leader Balochistan Educational Forum and Concise English Language Course.

A Complete Review by

Hifsha Kiran

BS-Psychology 3rd Semester

Quetta, Balochistan


·       Introduction of Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum

·       Establishment of Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum

·       Services of Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum

·       Online English language

·       Concise English language course

·       Features of Concise English language course

·       Procedure of Concise Online English language course

·       Timing of lectures, articles and videos of  online English language course

·       Assignment and test of online English language course

·       Weekly test and results of online English language course

·       My experience and views about online English language course

·       Conclusion


Introduction of Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum

Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum (YLBEF) is a youth development forum, which creates a peaceful and violation free environment for the students in Balochistan. It is the forum which promotes the educational facilities to improve the life of students and for poor students too.

Establishment of Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum

It was established as an independent and non-governmental forum in November 2018 by few youngsters of Balochistan after a fruitful training of ECI & UNDP.

Services of Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum

YLBEF has initiated and successfully implemented various projects for the youth of Balochistan regarding education. Thus its energetic team has intended to widespread it's scope of work in the field of education.

Youth Leaders Balochistan Educational Forum has arranged the all lectures of Matric & Fsc classes of biology, physics and chemistry for students during covid-19. It has also conducted a language course that will enable to read, write and speak English in just 3 months. It also provides a platform for energetic and talented youngsters to share their ideas with youth regarding educational vocational and moral awareness.

YLBEF is also training about 1000+ students for online business and other skills regarding digital world and also motivating them to work in team. It is also providing facilities to students who are preparing to students who are preparing themselves for government jobs. They also provide lectures and notes for students who are interested in government jobs. They also teach students for CSS & NTS tests.


Concise English language course:

English is the language that is spoken and understood internationally. Most of the people of different countries are able to speak and know English.

As a student, knowing English provides the best opportunity to get a job in abroad or in our country. It also increase the chances of getting scholarships with in or out of the country.

Concise English language course was started and being conducted by youth leading Balochistan educational forum (YLBEF). They started first batch's registration at the end of October 2020.

Features of Concise English language course

Due to having a busy schedule, people find the affordable and easy way to learn which also reasonable for their time. I also join this forum to learn English because due to lockdown, when I preferred to stay at home I don't wanna go outside. My sister preferred me to improve English by joining this forum as it is very reasonable, affordable and concise.

Procedure of Concise Online English language course

This course is completed in just three months as I have winter vacations in January. So, I started this course as a student in batch 7th. This is having an affordable amount which is payed per month. They deliver their lecture daily. A short video is send through WhatsApp and also uploaded on YouTube channel. Duration of video is just less than 20 mins. There's a schedule maintained by the instructor. At morning, an article is sent as a reading material which can help to increase vocabulary. We have to find the meanings of difficult words in an article and we have to memorize. A video about current affairs is also shared with article to improve and enhance Deliverance to speak in English. A vocabulary book of 504 essential words is also provided to increase vocabulary power. A video of communication skills are also shared on daily basis. Students are allowed to ask questions at 4PM to 6PM. After that they sent assignment which we have to submit till 10PM. Assignment is related to the topic. By the end of a week, a test is conducted which is in MCQs form. Weekly test is taken on the official website. Link is shared at evening of Sunday which we have to submit till next morning. Total marks of every test is 100. If a student have less than 50 marks then he/she have to repeat the lectures and also have to attempt test again.

Results are shared on WhatsApp broadcast or on website also on the next day of test. I am very satisfied with this course. Overall performance of this forum is very good. Instructor are very cooperative towards students. Students are allowed to ask about any difficulty or query which he/she faced. The way of teaching of instructor is very soft and convenient. The course is very concise and comprehensible.

My experience and views about online English language course

I started this course on the recommendation of my sister who have recently completed this course. The second thing is that, it is easily approachable, affordable and concise. It doesn't disturb our routine because a timetable is organized by the instructor. Those students who haven't approach and access of Internet, they have a golden chance to learn English only through WhatsApp. They didn't face any query through this platform.



Nothing is effortless and easy, we have to take an interest, being punctured, do every task on time. Then we have get a success. It is a good experience to learn different language specially English. I am satisfied from this forum and recommend others who have to do language course. At last, I only share this, if we work hard and cooperate to our instructor we learn quickly and remind everything for long.


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