Learning Online English language Course a review by Kalsoom Mastung

Narrated Ibn Abbas (R.A)
The prophet Hazart Mohammad. Said
‘There are two blessings which many people lose:
(they are) hadeeth and free Time for doing Good.’

                        Almighty Allah has blessed us with countless things amongst them, Time and Health are such things which are never returnable and this has been proved from the above Hardee's. If a person loses them, then he/she can never bring a single present of them. Time and health are such blessings given by Allah that if a person known their purpose importance, value and their true use, them success will be his fate Actually there are many definitions of Time but in my opinion, Time is the period blessed by Allah which we are living and when it finishes, death occurs.

  Online English language and Health

             Health is also the blessing given by Allah in which a person is able to perform anything without suffering from any disease. Both of Time and Health are similar to each other. If one of them finishes then the other becomes meaningless. Both of them bear worth importance in our life. Time a Health are such blessings of Allah that if a person knows the true value of using them, then the becomes the wealthiest or richest person of the world. These are the blessing to which very other requirement of life is linked As Allah hasn't made any thing in this world without reason so, the true purpose of Time and Health is getting the pleasure of Allah. If the person was his/her these to blessings for this purpose, then he becomes successful in this life and also the aftertime and Health are of great importance in everyone's life.


               Their true use causes a person never to be harmed by others. These are the blessings the gift that every person wants to have them in their lives what her rich or poor Both Time and Health are such things which can nether be bought nor be sold. Their value is known only by a person when he/she loses them. And once they get last from once lives, then nobody can bring them back at any cost. Then except regretting nothing rests with the person Wasting time is worse them death because death separates you from this world whereas wasting time separates you from Allah if a person separated from Allah, then destruction becomes his fate to get benefits from both Time and Health One should first estimate their value and them their usage. Mostly students should use their time meaningly study properly at time. And everyone should take care of their health eat drink sleep and weak up properly However, if a person knows the purpose value importance and true use of time then no one can stop him from climbing up the stairs of prosperity also in this life and also after death.

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