Armed Forces of Pakistan MCQs Test

1. Paramilitry Strength of Armed forces of Pakistan

2. Who is the Chief of Navy

3. What is the rank of Pakistan Army in world

4. Where is the Head Quarter of   Pakistan Navy

5. Paramilitry Strength of Armed forces of Pakistan

6. Who was the 1st chief of Pakistani Air Force

7. Who is the Air Chief Marshal

8. What is the strength of full time employees of Pakistan Air Force

9. Who is the Chief of Army staff

10. Where is the Army Staff College Located

11. How may Aircrafts Pakistan navy has

12. How may Ships Pakistan navy has

13. Who was the 1st chief of Naval Staff

14. What is the secondary role of Pakistan Air force

15. What is the rank of Pakistan Army in world

16. Where is the Headquarter of Pakistan Air force located

17. Who was the 1st Chief of Army in Pakistan

18. Who is the 1st Muslim Chief of Army staff of Pakistan

19. What is the  nearest number of aircrafts of Pakistan Air Force

20. What is the number of Pak Army Troops

21. Where is the headquarter of PAk Army


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