Bakhtar Khan Executive Member YLBEF For Killia SaifUllah
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Hello ! My name is Bakhthar khan kakar . i am from district killa saifullah 'thesil muslim bagh . i attained my schooling from 6th to matric level in GBHS urgas muslim bagh . i am a native of muslim bagh but currently i live in quetta and i am still student of Tameer nu public collage quetta . i am also debater of english speech . i have been got training of first aid and i was a member of scout from three years and i have done many other educational activaties in school and out of school in other districts . Now i am working as an executive member of YLBE forum being a loyal voluntar of this forum . i will be work for new generation and through this platform they provides well education system through socail media base ' also work on the qualities of the pupils and how to encourage pupil in own life and inshallah through this platform we will also work on the skills of pupils and other qualities and we will work as a team members for the future of balochistan and pakistan . Almighty Allah protect us.