Hammad Ahmed Executive Member YLBEF for Washuk
My name is Hammad Ahmed I am from from Dictrict washuk Balochistan and I am basically from tahsil Basima. I am a matric student in Balochistan Residential collage Khuzdar and I am also a social worker. As you know that in 2019 a virus spreaded  and now a days in 2020 also spreading very fast it collapses the whole world the whole world was effected by this virus which is Covid 19 . As you know our country was also effected by the Covid 19 it collapsed everything and also Education the students were  very worried because all the Educational institutions are closed .in these days YLBEF as helped the students in their Education system in Balochistan.I am really happy and its honor for me to work as Executive member in YLBEF.